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The Omoplata
Introduction (0:42)
What is the Omoplata (2:18)
Purpose of the Omoplata (4:48)
2. Concepts
Concepts- Open Elbow (5:26)
Concepts- On Top versus Hanging (5:50)
Concepts- Structure Framing (Protecting Your Space) (6:22)
3. Controlling the Omoplata
Controlling the Omoplata- Basic Positioning (7:31)
Controlling the Omoplata- Upper Body Positioning (5:16)
Controlling the Omoplata- Breaking Them Down (Hips Back) (6:41)
Controlling the Omoplata-Managing Their Base (FeetKnees) (9:06)
Controlling the Omoplata- Concave versus Convex Shapes (2:55)
Controlling the Omoplata- Breaking Down 2 (Technical Stand) (2:50)
4. Advanced Control
Advanced Control- Straight Arm Omoplata Leverage (5:03)
Advanced Control- Elbow Omoplata (Minner) (5:08)
Advanced Control- Off-Balancing (4:14)
5. Entries
Entries- Swimming (3:44)
Entries- Armlock (3:10)
Entries- Triangle (2:35)
Entries- Guillotine (3:14)
Entries- K Guard (4:25)
6. Sweeping
Sweeping- Forced Roll (Barrel) (2:31)
Sweeping- Technical Stand (3:05)
Sweeping- Back Roll (4:33)
Sweeping- Hook Far Leg (4:23)
Sweeping- Hook Far Arm (4:31)
7. Finishing
Finishing- Standard (Kimura Leverage) (5:45)
Finishing- Roll and Reroll (4:35)
Finishing- Triangle Hook Far Leg (3:25)
Finishing- Triangle Hook Far Arm (3:12)
8. Transitions
Transitions- Top Side (3:46)
Transitions- Back (3:58)
Transitions- Front Headlock (2:42)
Transitions-Into the Legs (5:04)
9 Closing
Acknowledgments (2:39)
Closing (0:38)
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